The year has been full and once again we are reflecting and wondering where the time has gone. 2014 was a year of divergence which the Lord used to mold us and open to us new doors of opportunity. Doors to greater vision, and the leading out by the voice of the Holy Spirit into new ventures, and also the letting go of those things which were finished . Stepping into new ventures and letting go works in us the strengthening of our faith. This strengthening enables us to launch out into the deep. It is in the deep that we find ourselves alone in the boat with Jesus as He is instructing us to let down our nets. Our nets are those things we are familiar with. It is as we surrender to His word, He transforms, that which we are familiar with into the Supernatural instruments of the kingdom of God. Here alone with Him in the deep we see with our own eyes the greatness of our God and king. Our understanding and revelation are infused with the Glory of who we are with, and from here we are summoned by His presence to follow Him, and be transformed into one of those who Know Him, and called to do great and extraordinary accomplishments. It is these accomplishments that testify of the one who has come to save the lost and to heal the broken hearted and proclaim His love and grace which is available for all.
It is with is with this understanding we have traversed the globe in His name. We have believed for resources that were well beyond are own capabilities and have used these resources to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and to minister to the needs of hungry children and struggling families. Watching the Lord provide and work through ordinary persons such as ourselves has been the joy of our life. This year alone we have had the privilege of feeding on the average of 350 children every week. We have traveled to approximately 150,000 miles through out the nations to bring light into darkness and the release of the word o God into the lives of many who have never heard.
2015, looks much the same as we will begin on January 1 by traveling to Chennai, India to meet with 150 pastors to equip them and encourage them. I am believing for a great revival to break out in India this year. If one million souls would come to Christ in India it would only be a little less then one percent of the population. The population of India is approaching 1.4billion people. Most of these are not Christian and need to hear the Gospel of Christ. Please pray for India and the Church in India to have freedom to preach and teach and not be hindered and persecuted. We will return to India in February traveling to North east India in several states. From there we travel to the Philippines in March. While there we will work with Tribal pastors and help equip them for the work of the Kingdom.
In January we will open two New feeding sights. One will be in General Santos, Mindanao Island, Philippines, and one in Cambodia. These sights will begin with feeding about 150 children initially.
I want to thank all who support us and the works we are involved with. It is you alone as you yield to the leading of the Holy spirit that allows us to go and do. Janet and I are humbled at your generosity. Please pray with us that 2015 will bring new break through for many through out the earth. That millions of souls will be added to the kingdom and we can continue to extension of His love to the hurting.
Thank You-- Merry Christmas to you and your family
Dave and Janet Roach
New and Old